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LoTurco & Co.

LoTurco & Co.
Ed LoTurco
Business Description

Financial Health Begins With a Relationship

Like most good things a strong stable financial foundation is grown.
It begins at our first meeting when we share our experience with you in hopes of acquiring your faith.
Diligence & Success with our very first task will earn us your confidence.
Continued success and fruitful advice will establish trust.

We are prepared to foster that relationship with you.
LoTurco & Company takes a personal approach in a discreet, comfortable and dignified atmosphere. Past, present and future — your entire financial picture is taken into consideration as we help you navigate to a sound financial future.
Our firm has over 30 years of experience to meet your needs. The professional staff at LoTurco & Company are all experienced in accounting, taxation, and finance that may help bring about tax savings to you. We maintain an expansive, up-to-date tax library on premises.
In 2012, Ed's son, Benjamin LoTurco, joined the firm as a tax professional and financial advisor, representing the second generation of LoTurco & Company.

1040 Hempstead Turnpike
Franklin Square

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